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Meal Preparation for your Office

Meal planning is a lifesaver when it comes to living a healthy (but busy life). When you meal prep for the week ahead, you'll be saving time, money and stress so you can focus on work or everyday life. I've found that prepping breakfast and lunch for the work week ahead of time in bulk saves me a ton of time. But don't think that you have to spend a few hours or a whole day in the kitchen. My smart recipes and techniques will help you cook delicious food you love and get it all whipped up in a hurry.


Meal Prep Saves Money

You don't need to worry about spending all your money on takeout or stopping after work to grab something when you've got freezer meals or prepped food at home. The average cost per meal is SO MUCH CHEAPER because I making your meals in bulk and I repurpose different ingredients for multiple recipes.

Meal Prep Reduces Food Waste

I think one of the best parts of meal prep and planning is being able to have a dual purpose for ingredients. Learning to make meals that use the same ingredients for multiple recipes helps you cut down on food waste because you know exactly what's in the fridge and how it's going to be used.

Meal Prep Saves You Time

Saving time is sometimes just as important as saving money! I know I honestly can't take time out of my busy day to make a big meal or even a sandwich. It's go-go-go, and whether you're working from home, out of an office or even on the road, life is so much easier when you've already got a packed lunch. What's even better is when your lunches for the week took just 45 minutes. Making your meals in bulk is such a time saver and will keep you feeling satisfied and energized so you can focus on doing what you do best: kicking ass at work!

Meal Planning Reduces Stress

Trust me when I say from experience that having all your breakfasts and lunches ready is a life saver and allows you to free up mental space and energy during the week so that you can focus on getting things done. No last minute scrambles to get dinner on the table either.

Weekly Calendar and Shopping List

Use this meal calendar is definitely a lifesaver!

Nutrition and Health

I use realistic and effective approaches to incorporate into your lifestyle, so you can reach your goals.
My approach is about living a healthy life the way you can enjoy and actually stick to!
I encourage food freedom and learning to have a positive relationship with all foods, I want to help you in still a healthy
relationship with food, explore it , spend time in the kitchen, and learn about how food
is both fuel for our bodies and for enjoyment.

The field of nutrition and dietetics is constantly changing and evolving. Because of this, my way of
thinking, content, and practices will mirror this as new nutrition research emerges and
I grow as a cook nutrition professional. I am open to learning from a variety of
techniques, theories, research, and personal experiences – which will help
me discover what works and what doesn’t, and translate it all back to you!

If you are looking to make a positive and healthy lifestyle change, you’ve come to the right place.
I welcome all of you of all diverse backgrounds, cultures, and dietary preferences. Whatever your goal may be,
I’m here every step of the way to make sure that you achieve it by sharing
content that will help guide and motivate you!


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